be who
you are

Do What You Love


skodify Scholar

Skods stands for Skill Pods, -ify represents the technology behind it. We are on a mission to revolutionize learning management systems (LMS) and customized education for the masses through data science and blockchain technology. We are more than just a LMS, we are a research movement towards empowering the learner to close their skills gap and shine for who they are in the world. This is the LMS that grows with you and your journey and rewards you for it!  

customize your learning

close your skills gap with us



Typical LMS just allow you to have discussions, post syllabus, send out assignments, and view grades. We do that and so much more, we are a functional tool for virtual and physical classrooms, with automated behavioral analytics, attendance tracking, recommendation, and  matching algorithms. Students will want to be in the classes they’re assigned to and teachers will be excited about the tools they’ll have to manage their students’ growth.

A unique series of ML & AI that assesses student and teacher performance
Cloud-based dynamic portfolio that show real time skills growth
Automatic and
engagement tracking

Simple & Powerful

Introducing skodify

For students, we stand out with our clean and interactive user-interface. Earn points for all your assignments, grades, and academic achievements. These points will allow you to eventually pay for your entire education! You’ll want to stay on Skodify to get your reliable news, chat with your peers and teachers about your projects, and keep learning.

For teachers, we empower you with automated group recommendations, student performance metrics, and automated students portfolios that go beyond grades and credits but show you the personalities behind your classes.   

For institutions, get the statistical reporting you need to see at varying levels of granularity to make decisions about your overall performance, save money on skills application decision making, and moreover stop putting your students’ in debt, while engaging your teachers’ performance with crypto bonuses. 


Core Features

Scalable to all levels
of education and HR

Utilizes ML and AI to
match students and
assess performance

Feeds content from
news sources for
content in context

collaboration with
other people

Tracks Learner


No more subjecting your students to random  platforms  semester after semester. A student’s profile on Skodify grows with them year after year essentially creating a dynmaic and smart CV portfolio. 

Utilizes ML & AI

Want to know your student body’s overall comparative literacy level?  How about automatically matching students into group and with teachers that align based on complimentary skills sets and common interest? Or how about getting insight into the reasoning behind attendance patterns. Is a teacher problem, a student problem, or a content problem? Or algorithms can answer these questions and more!  

Simple & Powerful

Feeds content

We keep the user engaged with reliable news from the real world. So now teachers and students have easy access to content in context, which get smarter with every user interaction! How about streamlining the process by which teacher’s collect real word data so students can actually apply what they’re learning in classes to real life projects?  

Simple & Powerful

Seamless collaboration

Most people, teachers and students included are on their cell phones. If you can’t beat them, joint them. We feature push notifications to text, students never miss a deadline and are on top of their assignments like real professionals. Our collaborative system for hybrid learning allows users to hold virtual classes, in person classes, and communicate seamlessly. 

Earn to Learn!

How about instead of paying to learn, you’re paid to learn and get a sense of financial literacy through the gamified experience? Earn poins for every transaction you make on the LMS and use them to get help from your peers. When you graduate, convert your points to the Mindoa token and pay for your education! 

Register now

Be part of the educational revolution! 

Fill out the form to stay in the loop about our launch, news on releases, and to pre-register yourself or your institution. You can be a self-directed learner or part of a school, no matter how you gain knowledge, your profile always evolves with your learning style, in style.